jueves, 10 de noviembre de 2011

History And Culture of Cd. Valles San Luis Potosi

While scant information exists on the state’s pre-Hispanic era, the Huastecos,  Chichimecas and Guachichile Indians are believed to have inhabited the lands that now comprise San Luis Potosí as far back as 10,000 B.C. Their descendants make up a large segment of the state's present population, many of whom continue to speak their native language.

The Huastecos culture left behind two cities that have recently been discovered in the area: Tamtok and El Consuelo, both of which probably had their golden age between the 3rd and 10th centuries. Researchers suspect that these cities influenced other groups in the region including the Chichimecas, Pames and Otomis and are examining the relationships between the cultures.


The state of San Luis Potosi is rich in culture, heritage and history. The Pame tribe is divided into two regions - North Pame, which includes the municipalities of Alaquines, Cardenas, City of Maize, parts of Rioverde, Tamasopo, and El Naranjo. Pame South - comprising the municipalities of Rayon, Lagunillas, Santa Catarina, and parts of Tamasopo. These tribes speak the Pame language, but certain Pamepalablas switch between North and South Pame.